Then and Now

One week after Easter.
Just imagine the disciples and Jesus’s followers seven days after He rose from the grave.
They must’ve felt untouchable, knowing they were with the God-man who defeated death right before their eyes.
They must’ve felt on top of the world, as the Messiah whom they loved revealed himself to the masses as the living God.
They must’ve had unspeakable joy as their greatest sorrow became the greatest victory of all time.
They must’ve strutted over fear, and shame, and anxiety knowing that with God all things truly are possible!
That week must’ve felt like the pinnacle of all praise and adoration to Christ’s followers.

And now.
Now we’re 2000 some years and seven days past the historic, eternity altering victory of Jesus over death.
Now is full of worry, anxiety, anger, confusion, sickness, selfishness, division, arguing, opinions, negativity, depression, disease, and dying.
The now undoubtedly feels the absence of our Savior who we long would come again.
But now can still be as purposefully passionate as then!
The now can find comfort, hope, peace, and so much more in the then!
The victory of then is forever the victory of the now and the not yet!

So today, we look to Jesus — the Victor over death, the Lamb who was slain, and the author of faith for all who would believe.
Today, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
Today, we give him all praise.

NOW is the time to worship.